Staying at home

in , by Tracey Patient, April 11, 2020

We're stuck in an unprecedented time at the moment, and for me leaving the office and working from home was all a bit scary for me. Not speaking to my colleagues and superior face to face made my stomach curl up in knots. You see I've come along way in my personal growth journey, but anything new/exciting like this sends my heart jumping out my throat at 100mph. 
I am an introvert, I've known this for a long time, and for some people, they see me as a shy 'quiet' person but the truth is I am always in my own thoughts. I'm a thinker, I'm an observer and I love my own space. Working from home was actually quite a blessing for me. I have my freedom of waking up a little bit later to complete my morning routine and be at my desk at 9am. I can spend more time with my family which I usually take for granted. 

I know a lot of people are struggling in this lockdown by not having the freedom of going out and doing things we love, socialising, little mini-breaks, holidays - I included. So I thought I would share some top tips that are getting me through this. 

6 Top tips:

1. Having a morning routine. I get it, we're not going to work so it's only natural to be that little bit lazy, not get dressed, no makeup, do nothing however if you have a set routine you stick to every morning you will feel much better and ready for the day even if that is working from home.

2. Workout. Most of us hate this word, you find it very hard to gain the motivation to exercise. By just simply making yourself do it makes you a happier person, releases endorphins and you feel much more energised. I personally am waking up at 7am completing my yoga and workout in the first 30-40 minutes of my day.

3. Shower. Now I know this sounds obvious to some, but sometimes it is a struggle for a few people to even get out of bed, I have also felt this way. Look you're not going anywhere but getting up and having a nice fresh shower and clean clothes always put me in a positive mood. It's like when you put new bedsheets on. So refreshing.

4. Gratitude and affirmations. Ok so with this one you may think this sounds a bit woo woo. So on my personal growth journey, I have learned that saying out loud 10 things you are grateful for every day and affirmations/declarations that empowers you, helps you to focus your day and be mindful and pushes you to perform at your highest potential. You should definitely try this and maybe throw in meditation too - so good for the soul!!

5. Go for a walk. I can't tell you how amazing this is for you. Going for a walk when you can is honestly such a great feeling whether you are with a family member or on your own, it is the best thing for you mentally especially if you're fortunate like me to be 2 minutes away from the coast. Fresh air, the sound of the sea and the beautiful views. Wow.

6. Reading. Whether you're like me and reading personal growth books or fiction or anything else, reading is educational. You can learn so much from just reading one page. Imagine how many books you could have read by the end of the lockdown and how much knowledge you would have gained. It's insane.

Much love,
Stay Safe x

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