Beginners guide to Affirmations

in , , by Tracey Patient, August 09, 2020

Power of Affirmations

Have you ever spoke to yourself in a positive light? Let's be real here, hardly anyone does. 

I bet you say things like 'why did I do that' or 'why am I so...negative...ugly...selfish' the list goes on. 

But how many times do we big ourselves up? 

How many times do we encourage ourselves to think bigger, to overcome our obstacles and barriers?

It's so easy to get caught up in negative and toxic self-talk. We bring ourselves down without even giving it a second thought.

We are brought up having all so many dreams as a kid, yet as an adult, we are taught dreams don't come true.

Everyone wants more in life but we let ourselves get in the way. 

So I want to speak to you lovely ladies and men (if any) about affirmations. 

Affirmations are positive statements that uplift your mood and energy. By talking to yourself in a positive light you begin to see better things, even do better things. 

You take action.

Affirmations build hope, envisions and empowerment. 

They give you the push you need to align with your goals and game plans.

By saying them out loud and even in the mirror is huge. 

I'm talking about building yourself up, being your own mentor; your own cheerleader.

Getting into the swing of things though is hard. 

Can you even think of anything positive to say about your self? 

It's highly unlikely that you would. (I mean unless you're a cocky little so and so)

Where you do you start? 

So where do you start with affirmations? Good question.

It can be from anything you want in life or are happy with. 

The important thing is that it needs to be in the present tense, not past, not future. Present.

They need to be powerful, uplifting and positive.

It's also worth mentioning they need to be specific to your goals. 

They cannot be random else they will not work. 

Think about what you want in life and it begins to be easier.

Tips and tricks

Your brain plays an important part in affirmations. 

Negative thoughts are easy - positive ones are not.
  • As above, always speak in the present tense. Examples including 'I am going to' will not work. 
  • Using the words 'I am' and 'do' are most effective here, you are persuading your brain you are already these things.
  • Do not use words that appear negative such as, 'won't', 'don't and 'can't'. These do more harm than good.
  • Your brain can't tell the difference between what's real and what's fake. Therefore if you tell yourself you are powerful and confident, you will be. Likewise, if you tell yourself your unworthy of love then you will believe that you are and you will sabotage your relationships.
  • A good way of thinking about it is like when you have gone for an interview for a job, you want to talk about your strengths.Your strengths are what you're proud of, what you can achieve. Remember this. 
  • Repetition; repeating your affirmations daily is key. If you do them occasionally you are unlikely to get any real results 

Why use affirmations?

Using affirmations brings a few things into your life. 

Better relationships both romantic and friendly. You improve yourself and how you act to situations.

It can help with the common 'loss of weight' most people want in life. (Though this alone is not enough). 

You can program your brain to exercise and enjoy it. Keeping fit and healthy win-win. 

You can manifest more money and life-time goals/wishes. 

With affirmations, you can attract anything in your life that you want to. 

Your success is inevitable when you show up. 

Examples of positive affirmations to get you started

The affirmations mentioned here are a few that an influencer I follow mentions and dedicates her time to preach. You can get inspiration from her page on Instagram @mimibouchard 

I am the master of my thoughts.

I love myself so much!

I can absolutely do anything I put my mind to.

I am enough! 

I am beautiful, intelligent and worthy.

I am a money magnet.

To finish on a final note, I have so much more I could go into details about affirmations but what I will say to start your journey using affirmations is you need to believe the words your saying and say it with meaning. 

The more you give it the oomph the more you will attract and believe them.

Lots of love and good luck with your journeys.

T xx

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