How to set your goals and intentions for the year

in , , by Tracey Patient, September 15, 2020

Goal Setting

One of the best ways to goal setting is creating SMART goals. 

Smart goals involve breaking the goal into specific, measurable, attainable, relevant/realistic, and time-bound.

These SMART goals once broken down and written in the right way will motivate you to get you to where you want to be. 

The most important thing when creating goals is to make them REALISTIC. Do not create them so they are near impossible or attainable. You need to be able to reach them.

An example of a SMART goal for yourself could be:  I want to improve my overall fitness level by walking for 20 minutes a day on my lunch break 5 days a week. 

Simple, actionable, achievable. 

Why should you set goals?

You want to make the most of your life right?  Goals help organise your time. 

Short term motivation comes from long term goals. 

Goals give you direction, guidance. They facilitate planning and structure in our lives. Inspire and motivate and control performance.

Settings goals put you a step closer to the desired result. This could be a vision or plan that you have committed to achieving. 

The goals you work towards give you a sense of purpose, a reason to get up in the morning. Life long dreams and ambitions.

How to get started

One of the important things I suggest is to grab a journal and write anything down that comes to mind.

What do you want to achieve and how are you going to do it? 

Set your intention for your goal and result. 

Once achieved where do you want to go? 

Think, focus on more of what you want in your life instead of what you don't want. 

If you concentrate on what you don't want you'll only attract more of what you don't want in your life vice versa if you think and repeat what you do want. 

Get meaningful, the goal has to have a purpose otherwise it doesn't matter and you won't achieve it. 

Although keeping them simple and realistic, making them challenging just as much makes you work harder to get them. 

What are your values? 

Brainstorm, write everything down. Draft and rewrite if you have to.  

You do not have to wait until January the 1st to start. 

Start now.

Make your dreams come true.

Much love

T xx
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