Self-care Sundays

in , , by Tracey Patient, November 08, 2020

Sunday's are the best kind of self-care day's

I often say to myself and others that I 'hate' Sundays. They're the most boring day of the week.

However, they really are the best day of the week to really give yourself the best self-care.
It's the day you have the most time to look after yourself. 

Whether that be going for a walk and listening to a podcast or walking mediation or clearing out and tidying your room, it puts you in such a good headspace. 

I recently created a self-care checklist and although I haven't completed a lot of the list yet doesn't mean I won't. 

Sometimes we don't feel great and that's ok, but we don't need to plaster ourself in as much self-care as possible, as usually, this can be overwhelming.

Start small. Tick one thing off a day or a few during the week. 

Honestly is the best feeling ever when you do something for you. 

Especially with the rest of this 4-week lockdown, it's important to look after ourselves properly but even dedicating this day for you is liberating.

Make it a habit. 

Light a few candles, sit and read a book.

Have a long shower or soak in the bath. 

Eating nutritious food, I had avocado on an egg muffin with a poached egg this morning.

These little things really do make a difference.

To end this post, I would like to say that writing in your journal during the lockdown would be so beneficial also as a self-care tip. 

Write down your feelings. How you're feeling today. How your day went. What would you do differently the next day?

Almost like a diary of research to see how you are doing.

Even writing how you want your day to go ahead and how you want to spend your evening and settle down for sleep will be very beneficial for you. 

All my love,


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