New year, New Goals

in , , by Tracey Patient, December 29, 2020


New year, new you...the same as you've always been

The new year is on the horizon, 2020 sure has gone so fast.

We hope 2021 is going to be a better year for all, however, it's mainly down to your own perspective.

You could say 2020 was such a bad year, or you could look at it as a learning curve, or appreciating growth you've had, or you may have excelled in something you wouldn't of otherwise have done.


Look at it differently.

Certainly, 2021 will be better for most. 

New year, new things, new plans...hopefully.

My point is if you're going to think negatively about your year in 2020 you're only going to attract negativity into 2021.

You're as powerful as your mind.

Change your perspective, change your mind.

Broaden your mind, and look to the future.

Your future plans, your future career, your future you.

The new year is all about making goals and plans, the majority of us make them and never stick to them.

The famous one being 'lose weight', it's very ironic.

Every year we make this goal and start off well maybe for the first few days or even a week. 

But eventually, we get fed up we aren't seeing results as quickly as we wanted to and then we get disheartened and back out of it.

The discipline we were building and motivation we had soon died out.

But getting that 'dream bod' takes time. It takes work. It takes more than a week or a month to see results.

We are so often wanting quick fix's to a problem and it simply doesn't work like that.

We need to solidify our goals and dreams.

Conquer our purpose, our why.

Why do you want to lose weight? 

Why is is it important to you?

How would you feel if you didn't reach your goal weight?

Asking your self these questions and writing them down really fires you up. 

As for any goal. 

Writing why you want to achieve something, why it's important to you and how you would feel if you didn't achieve it. 

Read it every day.

Every morning.

Every evening before bed.

Feed your mind with your desire.

When you're constantly reminded of your goals and purpose every day you are more inclined to reach the goal.

Putting in the effort to make it happen. 

Saying no to that extra chocolate at work because it's not getting you anywhere towards that goal. 

It's not inline with your values.

You could even keep a diary as such or journal, whatever you'd like to call it and track what you're doing or eating/drinking. 

Every time you go to grab something to eat, you have to write it down. 

This is how you programme your mind not to eat unhealthily. 

Every time you go for that chocolate bar, you'll think, 'oh I have to write it down in my book, do I really want this chocolate bar' and so on.

You can track other goals too, but that's just an easy example. 

So, to really not fall off track this year think about these 5 main things.

Write the questions out and write the answers down. Just saying them doesn't motivate you to get these things done. 

Write it out and keep it by your bedside or hang it somewhere where you always go, for example, the bathroom where you clean your teeth.

Really feel it as you write it.

What do I want in life, or to happen this year?

Think big! thinking small gets you nowhere and you demonetise your potential.

Create a vision board on all the things you want in your life. The more you see it, the more motivated you are to get it. The more effort you put in. The more likely you are to succeed in getting it.

Pinterest is great for this.

What emotions do I want to feel?

Write it all down. It's so important to get everything down on paper. What do you want your future to look like?

How do you want to feel at your best? E.g. Happiness, joy, abundance, fit and healthy etc.

How would your ideal self feel on a daily basis? Think about it.

What do I need to do? 

Next, think about the actions you need to take to get there. Plan little steps to reach smaller goals which will ultimately meet your big goal. 

Who do I need to become? 

Do you need to become someone who is focused, organised? Someone who is disciplined, someone who expresses her opinion and shares her ideas. 

Tap into who you need to become to reach your goals.

What does a day in my best self look like? 

Do you wake up early and get work done? Do you workout every Am or PM? Do you journal daily? Do you read for 10 minutes a day?

Whatever it is plan what your ideal day would look like. Get as realistic as possible.

Things never usually go to plan but if you have a rough idea then it's okay if you miss something small, no one is perfect.

New year goals are an exciting part of new years eve/new years day.

However I would recommend starting now, the more prepared you are the more advantage you have over others chasing the same dream. 

There's this quote that says 'Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it'

Which one are you?

With a quick google search, I found that 8% of people actually go out and achieve their goals.


So many of us give up just before we actually make it. 

What does your 2021 look like?

I wish you all a very happy new year and all the best with your 2021 goals

Happy Planning!



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