Preparing for 2021 with the right planner

in , by Tracey Patient, December 13, 2020

 What a year.....

2020 has been a very very different year. We have still had some really good times but also some really low lows. As the year is coming to an end, it's also good to think about what you want to achieve and do next year. Let's hope that things will be much better and have little restrictions in place! But we do not want to be stopped achieving our lifetime, short term or longterm goals. 

If you've seen my Instagram and previous blog post 'My Yearly Planner' on this you'll know that I love my planners and anything that helps me to self improve, so it's no wonder I am telling you today all about my new 'Ceo of my own life 2021 weekly planner'. 

My planner is Pink with a nice chic leather look, it looks very classy. It feels soft and smooth and is also flexible. I am in love with how it looks, having a planner that looks and feels amazing is much better than having a plain old planner that doesn't motivate you!

On to the good stuff

So what is included in the planner? This is the exciting bit! so this planner is filled with so much inspiration and motivation which is what we all need for the upcoming year ahead. It is effectively a planner and journal in one. Cannot recommend this planner enough. It is my third planner I have had, and although this time I have gone for the smaller weekly leather planner rather than the big spiral-bound one, either is great. I made the switch because I needed a smaller one that I can carry around with me, while the spiral one is perfect for your desk at home.

Let's run through the inside

When you open the planner, the first thing you are greeted with is one page of introduction and 2 pages on how to use the planner, which is great for first time users and reminders for everyone. As this planner has so much information and tools it gives you an overview of how to use each page. Also, Ellaiconic, where these planners are from, has blog posts on how to use these planners pages which is very handy. I'll also link the planners here, Ceo Planners, although they are in limited supply as they are just so good! Also, last orders before Christmas is on the 20th December so be quick. Oh, and they do really good planner and stationery bundles too!! 

Next, you then see a page where you really start to think about your year. Thinking about your word for the year, a plan for the year and things you will not do and what you are excited about and any other thoughts. It gives you a chance to look into things you want for the year and things you don't need in 2021. You can always refer to this page when you are having a down day which is great. 

This planner is very structural as it then has the calendar for 2021 and 2021 holiday dates, followed by 'My dates' page where you can fill in any Birthdays, Anniversaries and Key dates for your year. You then also have a 'My contacts' page where you can fill in 12 Names, phone numbers and addresses, which is super handy if you've lost your phone or don't have your phone on you and need to ring or contact someone on a different phone then you have it all written down because I don't know about you but I can only remember my own number, there's no way I could remember all my important contacts off by heart!

This next few pages is where the magic happens! It's entitled 'Imagining my future' and 'My big MASTER PLAN'. You can literally explore these pages any way you like, you can even treat it similar to your vision board. Print of photos/images to things that you are manifesting into your life. Draw/write your future, break down your goals into Business and Career, Home and Family, Health and Fitness, and Personal and then split these into action plans, a bit like SMART goals. 

What's fantastic about the 2021 planners is that they have PROGRESS TRACKERS! How cool is that? Whenever your having a down day just look at this page and see how far you've come! Great motivation right there.  Write the area you are focusing on and then the item, in particular, you are tracking and tick off as you go it's as simple as that!

You then have a 'My year at a glance' pages where you have one page split into the months of the year and then a free page where you can write or doodle anything you like for your year ahead. This is great to really get down the main focus of your year. 

TRAVEL... whether you are going to stay in the UK for 2021 or go abroad this page is incredibly exciting to write down your travel plans and who doesn't love a holiday? The build-up of a holiday puts you in such a great mood, planning can be stressful but the more you are prepared the better right? You can put photos on the page, plan things to take and things to do beforehand and what you are going to do. Even mark this off on the map.

Now, this is a page I am in love with. I  have fallen in love with reading, as you may know already. This page helps you plan and tick off any books you want to read or have read. It also has a notes page to doodle on for this also. There are also many note pages in the planner which help you get down your notes, feelings or plans. 

Ok, so the next agender is your first quarter plans. I have the weekly planner rather than the daily, this means it's split into 3 months at a time and weekly intervals. To this effect, you plan for the 3 months, e.g. Jan, Feb, March. Write to your heart's content, get it all down. You also have a monthly view where again you can write down important events to come. 

Same as the previous planners you have a financial page to keep track of the monies coming in and out of your monthly pay. So handy for everyone right now, who doesn't want to keep track of this? You then have the habit tracker which is sooooo good to, you can split this down in different ways, such as a particular area and then list the things in that area that you would like to keep track of, alternatively you could just write everything you want to track all in one. Throughout the planner there are many pages at the start of the month that gives you a task to do or has a quote to read which is motivational and interesting.

Finally, you have the weekly pages, where your free to plan what you're doing during the day Monday to Friday across 2 pages, instead of having one page dedicated to this in the daily planner. You can note on these pages your main area of focus for the week, memories to cherish and goals for this week. To finish the year off you also have a 2021 review page to go over your highlights, life lessons, what you are grateful for and what you should remember for 2022.

I'm very passionate about this planner and I'm hoping for a great 2021! I hope that whether you get this planner or even a different one, that you can plan ahead and achieve all your new year goals/plans. I also hope you take away some ideas that you can incorporate for 2021. 

Here's to the challenging 2020 we've had and to a hopefully magical new beginning in 2021.

All the best,



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