12 Things you don't need to feel guilty about

in , , by Tracey Patient, January 03, 2021

2021 is all about YOU

2021 is all about you. 


Focus on you.

Why should you feel guilty about putting yourself first?

The answer is, you shouldn't. 

2021 is all about going guilt-free. 

Things you don't need to feel guilty about.

Often we let our selves feel guilty about not doing things we think we should of.

It often leads to a negative mindset which is exactly what we don't want for a brand new year.

So let's go through the things that that you shouldn't feel guilty for.

#1. Taking a break from social media

Taking a break from social media is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself.

We are conditioned to be on our phones and other devices 24/7 which constantly damages our mental health.

We are portrayed to act and look a certain way, and therefore we feel bad that we do not look like anything like 'most' people on Instagram for example. 

But I can tell you most people don't look or act that way. 

We need to embrace ourselves even if we are working on to improve our selves for the better. 

Social media is damaging and increases anxiety and depression. 

Being without it for a day, a week a month or more is honestly so good for you and will decrease your symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

You'll feel happier, and brighter and have a spring in your step. 

#2. Your dreams and aspirations

Be unapologetic for your goals and ambitions. |

Often you have an idea, you write it down or you share it with your 'friends' or colleagues.

However what you think is a great idea, people will easily put you down on. 

For example, you could want to lose a few pounds especially after Christmas and new year, but your fitness regime is too much for your friends and colleagues to get their head around, but for you is manageable.

We have nothing but praise for it, while they constantly put you down and advise that its not sustainable, and you don't need to lose anything. 

'You won't stick to it'. 

This is why it's so important to surround yourself with positive people and people that have the same interests as you. E.g Health, Fitness and Mindset goals.

Regardless of the above don't let anyone tell you, you can't do something. 

If you know you can, then go out and do it. 

'Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.' - Heny Ford

Believe in yourself.

#3. Your spiritual beliefs

No one should mock you for your beliefs. 

You are unique.

You are allowed to believe what you want to.

Don't be made to feel guilty, you can be who you want and believe what you want to believe.

At the end of the day, it's your opinion and your belief and not anyone else's.

#4. Setting boundaries and sticking to them

Another thing you should not feel guilty for is setting and sticking to your own boundaries. 

If a friend wants to hang out and you have scheduled to work on yourself, your mindset, your fitness, or family event, do not feel guilty for sticking to your plans.

It's ok to have time for you and your family.

It's ok to have your own boundaries. 

You do what's good for you.

#5.Saying No to others

Saying No is one of my favourite words.

If it's not fulfilling you, say no. 

If you don't want to go to an event, say no. 

Saying No is good for you.

If you don't feel like it, or if it's not your vibe if it's not for you.

No is a powerful word. Don't do the things that don't light you up.

You have the power to say no, even when you have pressure on you to say yes.

If that person is upset or angry with you for saying no, it's likely they won't be in a mood with you for long.

And if they do hold a grudge they clearly aren't the people you want to be hanging around with if they can't accept you for who you are.

#6. Doing what's best for you despite what others think or say

You need and want to be your best self. 

Don't listen to others when they only have negative things to say.

You have to be you, and if people don't like it then they don't need to be around you.

You need to be surrounded by like-minded people to fuel your energy.

#7. Asking for your needs to be met

There is nothing wrong asking your friend or partner for your relationship needs to be met.

It's not a one-sided relationship.

The effort needs to be from both sides.

If you ask and nothing improves it's time to look for a friend or partner that will meet those needs.

#8. Spending money on something you want

There is absolutely nothing wrong rewarding yourself in moderation.

If you've done something well, achieved a few goals.

Spending money on yourself is something we all need when we have reached a milestone or commitment.

Don't feel bad because you earned the money it's your choice what you spend it on.

#9.Removing someone from your life

Definitely don't feel bad from removing someone for your life if they no longer serve you.  

Sometimes you are no longer on the same page or your interests have both changed and that's ok.

The 5 people you surround yourself with might not be on the same wavelength as you anymore.

Slowly easing them out of your life or even just cutting them out completely is fine to do. 

They may seem upset for doing so but you shouldn't, you are only bettering yourself. 

Sometimes it's ok to be selfish.

#10. Sleeping in

We all get those days. 


I'm an early bird for sure, I feel sluggish if I wake up late or stay in bed too long.

But it's perfectly ok to sleep in and if you do its ok, it's only once.

You can start the day again tomorrow and get the things you need to be done in the morning.

It's no big deal if you don't you can still do the things you need to do just not at the same time as you would.

#11. Leaving a Job that drains the life out of you

This one you should absolutely not feel guilty at all. 

You are in control of your life, not your job. 

If you feel like the job no longer excites you, or no longer makes you happy, it's completely fine to leave.

Whether you have another job to go to or not, it's important to think about you, your well being. 

What's more important, your mental health or a job that puts pressure and stress on you?

Do what you feel is right for you.

It's a clear winner.

#12. Declining a phone call

I used to feel bad all the time when I declined a phone call but you absolutely should not.

Yes sometimes phone calls can be important but it's also important to have time for you.

Or you may be busy and not have time to answer, and this is fine as well.

We should not feel bad for declining the call because you can always message or catch up later.

There is a lot of pressure on ourselves on these things in our daily lives but I 100% do not want to feel guilty for these things in 2021 as I'm sure many of you feel the same way. 

All the best 



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