8 Toxic People You Should Reduce Your Time With

I don't know about you but since the whole covid situation started negativity is everywhere in our lives, news, media and through people.

I cannot tell you enough how many people on a daily basis talk negatively, it drives me crazzyyyy!

If you know me well enough, you know negativity is not my vibe, yes I still have a good old moan about something I'm only human but constantly talking about the negativity in the world right now infuriates me.

There are so many positive things happening in the world and we choose to focus on the few things that are outright most demoralising.

Who wants to live in a pool of uncertainty, hostility or depression. 100% of people would answer 'Not me' so why the hell would we let ourselves absorb such things?

It's so easy to get frustrated in this intoxicating life that we are living in 2021 as the past year has been one hell of a ride.

I've put together a guide below of 8 people you should stay away from in 2021, although not meeting up with many people right now this can relate to your 'friends' you stay in touch with or work colleagues or family members. Lift yourself up, and empower your inner strength and carry on. You've got this!

#1.Those who spread negativity

No matter where you go there's always that one person who has nothing positive to say. As much as you try to enlighten the mood, they always answer with a swallowing energy-draining tone and negative opinion.

It's hugely annoying especially when they are a person so dear and that you care about, it really is difficult to accept. 

I truly believe if you aren't talking to them about a positive high vibe subject, don't speak to them. It will only drag your energy and high spirit down with them, if they adjoin you to their everlasting spiral of antagonism.

Honestly the more you hang around or talk to them the more it will bring you down so stop it, and stop joining their conversation.

2. Those who criticise you all the time

Those who criticise you do so to make you doubt yourself. Little do we know they do this because they doubt and are unhappy with themselves.

You could be doing an excellent job but because they aren't feeling good within them they need to put you down to feel better. 

It's morally wrong but happens ever too often especially on social media. People who criticise you are only ever discouraged by you following your truest self when they are unable to do so themselves.

They see people doing better than them which hurts them inside and they feel the need to damage your golden energy bubble with a pin.

These people are not your people you want to be around. Stay well away, for people who show you that they care and are really there for you will always support you.

3.Those who waste your time

People who waste your valuable time do not respect you period. The way they treat you can be 100% different the way you treat them. It's unfair but that's life. Some people just don't have the same respect for you as you do them.

It can be difficult especially if you care about them a lot vice versa, but you definitely want to limit your time with these people or slowly get rid. 

It's not beneficial to you in any way and to be honest, it's wasting your time that you could be spent doing something you love or something that's gonna get you towards your goals and future self, and you're giving up your time only to be wasted.

Not to mention, it's damn rude! When someone takes time out of their day to help you or listen to you etc it's so important to actually make/take the time for them too. 

If you aren't at all interested in what they have to say that is perfectly okay but it's better to tell them straight up there and then that this isn't for you instead of again wasting time. We don't get time back so it's crucial not to waste it .... at all.

My main point here is to limit time spent with these people, if they can't accept your key values, then you definitely shouldn't have them in your life.

4. Those who are Jealous

People confuse jealousy with envy a lot, but either way, you should stay away from jealous people, they are big balls of negativity.

Generally, both jealousy and envy have bad effects on us. We want what others have, and we are scared to lose what we do have.

People who feel this way will force their feelings on to you, instead of looking up to you, they will resent you. 

It's not healthy and it's certainly not attractive.

Stay away.

5. Those who play the victim

We have all grown up knowing someone who does this. They paint themselves to be pretty rainbow but their true colours show through the cracks.

It's a form of manipulation. In a time when you want to grow and become your best self you're made to feel bad for taking a step in a positive direction.

Victim syndrome is a real thing, they will complain about all the bad and unnecessary things in life that they believe they cannot control. 

They talk about all the things that are wrong in their lives rather than flourishing and working towards a brighter future and praising themselves for how far they have come already.

They live in the past a lot and tend not to grow and evolve into the person they so crave to be. Now you really don't need this in your life so quit being around people who are.

6. Those who don't care

So many people I look up to have said it and I fully believe this, that you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. Think about it.

If you surround yourself with people who complain, talk in a bad light then you will act and be this way. You're effectively corrupting your potential daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

People who do this essentially don't care, or not willing to take action to see the benefits. These people have no value for you. It sounds harsh but essentially they are holding you back.

2021 is all about you and fulfilling your ultimate goals; to feel free and unlimited. Being selfish and putting yourself first, is good for you sometimes so do not let other people dictate your life, goals and ambitions because they have no demeaning for it. 

7. Those who are self-centred

Being around people who only care for themselves is a big NO-NO! Whether it's your friends, family or work colleagues you shouldn't be around these types of people. 

The lack of care, respect and love is not worth it. They only have use for their own benefit and this frankly isn't helpful.

They have no interest in you, and rather you praise them for the things they've done well. They'd rather you big them up for doing literally nothing. It's not great, it's not nice and it's not helpful. 

You need to be surrounded by uplifting, upbeat, highly energetic people who flow and bounce off each other. Who gives out light and advice and support and vice versa. They will love you for you and you will show them equally what they give out.

8. Those who keep disappointing you.

I absolutely have no time for people who keep letting you down, again it's a waste of time and energy that you could focus on something else.

The 1 person you can trust is YOUR SELF, don't have too high expectations of other people. If they can't treat you on the same level they aren't worth your time.

Equally, you have no room in your life to feel disappointment, all the time. You need to do you and if this means distancing yourself from people who don't make you feel great then so be it.

Fill your life with people who fill you with love, happiness, joy and support. It's so easy to fall into a circle of underappreciative people around you, who have no insight into how they are projecting themselves to the world and people around them.

To really start this process, start unfriending and unfollowing accounts on Facebook and Instagram of people who do not make you feel good. You will notice such a difference in your life when you no longer see the negativity.

It's a powerful tool, but you will get there. Every tunnel has it's own light, you just need to keep going till the end and remember:

  • You are valuable
  • You are enough
  • You have a voice
  • You are seen
  • You are capable

I'll leave you with a quote here: 'The two things that you are in total control over in your life is your ATTITUDE and your EFFORT 

All the best



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