9 Things To Do When You Feel Anxious

in , , by Tracey Patient, January 17, 2021

Nine small but manageable things to do when you feel anxious

We all want to feel our best and at times it is hard. In our daily lives, little things creep in and our little chimp inside our brain reacts before we can have time to think things through. Everyone feels anxious at some point in their life. It's normal. However, some people are more uneasy, worry and get nervous more than others. Sometimes it can be really difficult to manage. 

A lot of us feel this way and it's very important to address this and help yourself and others who feel this way. Let's stop the racing pulse, sweaty palms, shaky hands and legs and dry mouths all of which are symptoms of being anxious, together.

Here are 9 things that will really help you to pull through this fear and nerving self-talk.

        #1. Ask for help

There is literally no harm in talking to a friend, colleague or an acquaintance (if you feel comfortable to do so). Speaking and asking for advice if you feel like this can really be just a self relief for yourself. Getting your emotions out not only makes you feel better but it releases stress and other emotions that have built up. We often feel very vulnerable speaking out but it's honestly the best thing you can do for yourself and if you have wonderful friends around you then no doubt they will boost you up and make you feel inevitably comfortable.

Don't feel comfortable talking to a friend, colleague, an acquaintance or family member? Then this next point will be for you.

         #2. Write about how you feel 

One of the best things you can do whether it be first thing in the morning or before you go to bed at night is to write everything down in a journal. 100% writing it all down helps like the point above to feel closure and much lighter and positive. You can journal about all sorts, how your day went, How you are feeling, What emotions you are experiencing and how you want to change them. As well as writing this you can think about writing some positive quotes to lighten you up so you see this every time you open the journal. You can write about your goals and tasks for the week and how you are going to achieve them. Write about anything and everything makes you feel happier. Get into the habit of writing about yourself. Now, this may seem vain at first but it's to help you. Boost you up, boost your confidence, happiness, mindfulness. Write down how you want to feel and imagine your future. Doodle/draw even anything that comes to mind.

Writing is one of the ways you can stay present which brings me on to the next tip.

          #3. Stay present

We have so much that goes on in our day we forget to stay present. To stay present means to be aware of your surroundings, being conscious of your daily thoughts and aware of your body. No thinking of the past or future only the now. You don't need to worry about these whatever has been had been and is unchangeable and what is to come will be. Stay in the now and focus on you. 

Sitting in silence is a good way to stay present, your alone with your thoughts. First thing in the morning is a great way to do this sitting cross-legged and eyes closed....and take in a deep breath.

         #4. Take a deep breath

Following on from above, sitting down and taking a breath can really ease the tension and stress of your day. There are a lot of breathwork examples out there that you can practice but generally taking this time for yourself will elevate your day and make you feel refreshed. There's nothing more that makes you forget about the hardship of your day than to just 'breathe'. Most fitness watches also have this feature as well so regardless if you're at home or you're out and about reminding you to breathe' and to complete this action is heroic for you. 

Be the best you and take a breath.

    #5. Find a positive distraction

Often finding a good distraction can help you to forget about your worries and anxiousness. It can be anything from doing yoga or hit or any exercise to reading a book, going out for lunch with your friends (when you can of course) or taking up a hobby such as learning a new instrument, creating drawings, listening to a podcast.

Finding a better distraction like this can make us feel like we have offloaded a lot of uneasiness. Pushing it to one side and flooding our brain with interesting, more positive vibes by not only learning something new but by being tranquil and more in touch with your natural, angel energy that you most definitely don't get in your 9-5 day. 

        #6. Go outside

Feel that fresh infusing intoxicating energy passing through your body when you step outside. Pure, natural feeling. Nothing beats it. Your mind automatically resets when you go out in nature, park, woods, walking around the block. Walking stimulates the brain and sends a hydraulic wave to get your blood flowing and pumping.  

Just getting in that country/seaside air, or just even getting out if you live in a city is the most amazing feeling. It boosts concentration, memory and learning and creativity. It fuels your mind. 

       #7. Drink Plenty of Water

Hydrating yourself with water every day is such a great thing you can do for yourself and your body. Rejuvenating your day with filtered water not only makes you feel good but you notice just how good it works on other areas. For example, the more you drink water the clearer your skin is, the clearer your thoughts and mind are. Feeling good by drinking the water makes us a whole feel better in ourselves and therefore reduces any worries that we may have. 

Depending on your activity its recommended to drink at least 2 - 3 litres of water each day. 

      #8. Listen to soothing songs

Everyone loves listening to good old music that drives their day. Even putting on those hits that you can just have a dance party to. Taking some time for yourself even if like above you do not want to sit in silence then this is a good alternative. Put on those tunes, it can be either soothing if that's your vibe or something upbeat and cheerful and just have a good old dance around your room or even just sit down and use your notepad or journal to write or doodle whilst listening to those tunes. Combine the tips together, you can't go wrong. It's a great way of staying active as well so it's a win-win. Listening to this good music will uplift you so much and you will be vibrating at such a high frequency which will motivate you to do anything that's on your to-do list

      #9. Create Something

Do something creative, unfold that creativity of yours. Whether your good at it or not trying something new will help you step out of your comfort zone but will emphasise and bring you out of this funk and brain fog in your brain. You could try cooking or baking, even drawing, colouring book, or designing something new or reorganising your house. It can literally be anything. 

Getting and putting yourself out there to try these things will simultaneously bring you to a better understanding of yourself. Understand what you enjoy or don't enjoy and ultimately this will send your brain/mind into motivating mood. You could probably do many of these things for hours and not notice the time go by. It will make you feel really good about yourself and that's what you want more of. 

Worry is certainly a waste of time and energy. It doesn't change anything, it just steals your joy and keeps you busy doing nothing.

However you use these tips and however you feel, there is one thing I know for sure: You've got this!

Enjoy the rest of your day and if this has helped you in any way please share this post with someone else who will benefit from this and leave a comment and tell me what you think.

All the best!

Love T


New Year, New Goals, Preparing for 2021 with the right planner, The Confident Journal

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