Who Am I And Who Do I Want To Be?

in , , by Tracey Patient, January 24, 2021


Hey Beautiful!

How are you feeling today? The weeks are flying by but our anxiousness and goals and plans are all fading into one. With Gyms and other places closed its hard to stay on track. It can definitely get too much at times.

I want to dive in deep today in your headspace. Run through all that is intoxicating you and help you on your journey to becoming the best you. Increase your awareness and better yourself not only in 2021 but for the rest of your life.

We want to get rid of or lessen your feels of anxiousness and worry that I spoke about last week.

So we've talked previously about setting goals and intentions for your days, your months, your years, now it's time to get crystal clear on what you want from your life and who you need to be and become to achieve those things.

It's all about self-improvement, self-love and being your authentic true self. But how do I become this person you might ask? Good question. I am going to tell you below.

Getting Clear On Who You Want To Be

I want to be very thorough. Get out your journal, a pad of paper whatever it may be. Really tap into the person you want to be and become.

We spend so much of our time living our life without giving it much thought or feeling.

Get super clear on who you are now, list your traits, your career, the habits you have. It's important here not to feel discouraged in any way if you are a long way off where you want to be. It all takes time.

Next, I would like you to write down all the things you want in your life, from career to money, to things you want to have/own. Who do you want to be? Thinking about the person you need to be to have these things.

What type of person has these things? What attributes/habits do they have that you need to incorporate.
How do they react? Really visualise who you want to be.

It's all about shedding your current habits and belief systems that have been ingrained into your mind over the years of growing up.

The world we live in needs a makeover. To get out of judgement and belittling people and to be more caring and kind. Rather than promoting....start doing.

Who Do You Need To Become

Think and write the details down of who you need to become. What feelings do you need and want to feel? Who do you need to become to reach your ultimate goals, your unlimited self?

For example, becoming someone who is committed and focused and disciplined, who gets up early every day including weekends. Someone who meditates daily and loves the energy and flow it puts them in and can't go a day without it. 

Someone who absolutely loves life and takes care of themselves and nourishes their body with healthy food. Someone who is innately confident and rarely gets anxious, worried or uncertain and is instead proactive rather than reactive.

There are many things you could talk about here angel, so really get into grips with who you need to be and become to achieve your goals and ambitions because everyone has them but not everyone achieves them.

Be your future self.

Manifest and Visualise

Ok so you've had a lot of time for yourself to write all the above down, but now you really need to dive in deep here. You need to close your eyes and visualise your future self. Feel her/him becoming in this existence breaking into your angelic energy.

If you are a beginner here, it can be difficult but don't worry because it comes with time. The more you start to visualise the more you can experience and imagine.

You need some clarity, so close your eyes. If you are wanting to eliminate your anxiousness or worry then imagine yourself with little to none in your future self. If you want to attract confidence and abundance in your life then imaging this instead of or as well.

It's really important to get clear on what you want to attract in your life and what you no longer need. Visualising this daily/first thing in the morning and or before you go to bed will be really powerful for you to manifest this into your life.

Many people may find this a bit weird or strange but honestly the more you visualise the more you get results. You don't get results by doing nothing. The saying 'good things come to those who wait' couldn't be more of a myth. You need to do the work. 


So my lovely a good way to manifest everything we have spoken about so far into your life is to be thankful/grateful daily.

It can sometimes be hard to find things to be thankful for but it's a lot simpler than you think. Just being thankful you work up today, or for your eyesight or that you have a nice and warm home to live as many don't.

When you are grateful for either 1 or 5 things or more daily it can really push your mind into being open to receiving. Soooo powerful to entice and bring the power of manifestation at its core to your life.

I would start by listing in your journal ' I am grateful for .......' You could also after writing this first line just list the things you are grateful for rather than writing the whole sentence out several times. However you do It, it's important you write and read them as much as possible.

Reading them out loud really enforces great energy, and being more grateful for things in life makes you more aware of everyday things you used to take for granted.

Appreciating the things in life you have makes you live a transformative life. Living life with no regrets and making the most of the life you do have.


Ok ladies (and gentleman if you are also reading) let's get together the last but not least effective affirmations to jot down. You need to take all your notes above about what you want and to affirm this person who you want to be, and tell yourself you are these things.

I've talked about in previous posts that you need to be kinder to yourself and talk to yourself in a more positive light. The more you do this the less negativity you will experience and if you do start to think negatively it will become easier to stop doing so. 

So keeping this theme of worry and uneasiness, I am going to include examples of anxiety affirmations you can include in your day to day journaling to boost you up, but also to make a difference to you and your everyday life.

Affirmation examples: 

'I have the power to control my thoughts and emotions' - we really do have control, but sometimes we may forget and do things automatically without thinking. This affirmation is sooo good and a brilliant one to use and will train your mind and thoughts.

'With every breathe, I become calmer, stronger and more confident' - I love this one, breathwork is so good for you if you have worries, stress or any forms of panic. It can get you to a calming state within minutes. Worth doing every morning or in times of need. 

'I am proud of my self' - You could even have some reasons linked to this one why you are proud of yourself to really make it meaningful. But the more you affirm your proudness the more you push yourself to make you more proud.

My body is relaxed, My mind is calm' - affirming this to yourself either before or after meditation is just bliss. Get your body into a calming state. It's really great to be in this state where you feel no stresses of the day ahead or gone.

'I forgive my self for feeling anxious' - Great affirmation if you feel anxious throughout the day or you have something coming up like an event or interview. We all experience anxiousness at some point but this is for those who experience it more so.

'I have the power to stop this. I can simply say 'stop!' - We are in control of our minds and body if you feel shaky or panicky this one is good to affirm yourself and control the shakiness and bring yourself to a calming point.

When you incorporate these things into your day/life it will transform your energy and mindset. You will feel more energised and so freakin powerful. I use this word so much but it's absolutely true to live your truth. Be the authentic you. The best you. The more confident, real empowered strong you. 

It doesn't have to be complicated like many think, once you have journaled all the things you want and who you will become, you can list 1 or 2 grateful for points and affirmations, you don't need to make a long list as this will overwhelm you. 

But gradually you can increase them and change them to suit you and your passions and your life.
Very very simple. 

If you've enjoyed this post I would really appreciate it if you could share this with someone else who really needs a kick with the January blues or who wants to develop their new year new goals.

The best thing you can do is look after yourself and go out and make your dreams come true.

It all starts with you, a pen and paper.

See you in the next post and have a wonderful day beautiful!

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