Breathwork is overrated.
We breathe all the time without realising it.
There's something about taking deep breathes which is rejuvenating. It calms your state and relaxes your mind.
This is why it is a great tool to use to calm your anxiety and worries.
Think about a situation where you feel anxious or have concerns or worry about. Close your eyes and imagine this in your head. Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. Do this 5 times.
How do you feel?
The key thing here is to inhale slowly and deeply in through your nose keeping your shoulders relaxed. Exhale again slowly by your mouth letting out all that stale air and toxic energy. You should repeat this for a few minutes.
Ok so the reason I want to talk about breathwork in this mini-series today is that so many of us dismiss this technique because they don't have time or they are sceptical it won't work.
Let me tell you, it freakin does.
Breathwork for so many is an active form of meditation that lets us reconnect to our bodies and energy and ourselves. We disconnect from our mind, our subconscious thoughts.
This relaxed state draws you closer to healing and gaining clarity and wholeness and peace. You release the stress and anxiety off of you.
Anxiety comes under a number of feelings, however, having fear can keep us safe in certain situations, in others it can be unhealthy for our spirit, mind and body.
Living in fear and anxiety drives and activates your nervous system and puts it into overdrive causing the fight or flight response.
The body is then primed with cortisol the stress hormone. This is where breathwork can really help to minimise anxiety and provide you with a calming state of mind.
While there are different breathwork out there you can try, one of the easiest ones that anyone can try is belly breathing.
Anyone can do it and as described above, it's very simple.
Holding your left hand over your heart/chest and your right hand under your ribs/belly. You breathe in through your nose and exhale out your mouth but you breathe in so that your belly rises, but your hands do not move.
Breathwork done at least 10 minutes of your day is a life changer, especially if your day is really busy or you have something coming up that you need to be calm and less worried about.
Half the stuff we worry about is built up to be the worst-case scenario in our heads when it's really not that bad at all. Once it's done or we do it, we realise that we were worried about nothing.
10 minutes a day can save you time, and unneeded stress, putting you at ease.
Breathwork grounds you, it brings you back to reality, it brings you back to now. The present moment.
Whenever you have had a bad day, anxiety over even the smallest of things, or worry just know that coming back to breathwork is a game-changer and something you can do whenever and wherever you are.
It's a very straightforward and easy technique to do and will help you so much when it's all getting to you.
Breathwork will give you a clear mind, peace and tranquillity so you can continue with your day.
Don't just use it for anxiety and stress, whenever you need 10 minutes to yourself and sit in silence this will also serve you well. Calm the mind and allow your thoughts to flow.
Try this when you next feel anxious or have something coming up you feel uneasy about and thank me later.
Have a good Sunday guys!
Love T
Anxiety Mini-Series - Connect With People 8 Toxic People You Should Reduce Your Time With Or Get Rid Of In 2021 Who Am I And Who Do I Want To Be 9 Things To Do When You Feel Anxious 10 Tips For Positive Thinking Working From Home
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