Why YOUR Time Is Important

in , by Tracey Patient, March 14, 2021

We Need More Time

We often wish our lives away


How many more days to the weekend? How many hours till lunch or we finish work? What a toxic mindset we all live in. It's crazy, right?

We are so busy doing nothing with our lives that we forget the true moments, being present, doing life.

We often don't take notice of the real things that matter. Our lives. Every living moment is a moment you will not get back.

We always think that we have plenty of time and we always put things off. The fact is you do not have more time. 

You have the same 24 hours in your day as everyone else. The same ticking hours, minutes and seconds.

How do you live your life? 
How do you want to live your life? 
What do you want from your life?

Memories are all we have. We come into the world with nothing and we leave with nothing. Material things don't matter. How much money you have, doesn't matter. Physical aspects are meaningless.

Thoughts, feelings, presence, love, abundance, friendships they do matter. Hold those close to you that little bit stronger and tighter. 

Believe in yourself, love life and grow. Be your best self and grow your self-confidence and build great discipline and make the most of your presence, make those most enjoyable memories you will treasure forever. Have fun.

Trust the magic in yourself. You have the power to become anything you want to be or do whatever you want todo. 

Many give up on you, but DO NOT give up on yourself. You are your biggest supporter. 

How do you spend your free time? 
Are you doing what you love? 
what you enjoy? 

We spend so many hours of our lives doing things that do not fulfil us. 

Why don't we live our dreams? 

We get sucked into an energy-draining, task, job, hobby, friendship. 

What good does it actually do you? 

Start living in the moment, start living in the now. Look after yourself. Spend your time wisely, for the hours you wish will go quick will fly by and you'll be 50 years old without having lived your dreams, goals and ambitions.

How would they make you feel? I mean you can always start living your dream at 50, there's nothing wrong with that, but why would you wait till then? 

Go out and start spending your crucial limiting time on this earth doing you. Being and living your best life.
Creating your incredible, joyful, amazing story. 
Summer is a great few months. We love life. We wake up early to see the perfect sunrises and beautiful sunsets. 

We need to love and nurture the nature we live in so much. The world is a great place and the environment we live in is incredible. 

We need to appreciate life more, appreciate the time we have. Wake up early and embrace a new day every day. 

Start doing the stuff that makes you feel good. Go for a long walk, take some nature breaths, deep breaths, journal or meditate, read.

You are your own enemy. You are in control of your thoughts and actions, your discipline, your choices.

Getting up early before anyone else gives you 1% advantage ahead of everyone else. You make think that 1% isn't much but over 365 days that 1% is incredibly more than the average person.

Improve yourself, work on yourself, gain a new skill, use this time to be better. Learn something new. Be the best you. 

Waking up early is your advantage. Use it. It doesn't have to be silly or stupid o clock, whatever feels right to you. But just know that the earlier you get up the more time you have for yourself, your goals, your ambitions, your future life.

Gradually increase the time you get up by 10 minutes or half an hour each day and you will then be able to get up earlier.

You don't have all the time in the world like you think you do. Use the time on this earth to make yourself proud. Like I said you are your biggest supporter so, encourage yourself, set trackers, keep to your goals, your lists, your notes.

Time is incredibly important, we don't get it back. We don't get those moments we so badly crave to relive. Yesterday is gone. Never to come back again.

Do what makes your life count. Be kinder, to yourself and others. Giving is more important than receiving. However the more you put out the more you get. 

There is no point in wasting time on something that is not dear to your heart, not for you, not something you align with. 

Alignment is key. Get in touch with who you want to be and your future self. Don't sit there and wait for your life to get better, it won't come. 

You are the only person who can change your life around. You have the power. You are your own superhero. You take responsibility. 

You're your own angel. Your golden light and energy you need to become who you are meant to be. Your energy flows and is infectious. 

It's time to stop waiting and start doing. Pandemic or no pandemic. Do what you love doing. Be creative, be mindful and enjoy it. 

"We don't get more time"

No matter what you believe, we only get one life. Make the most of it. Who knows what happens when you die. 

There are lots of thoughts and assumptions but no one knows for sure until you do. 

Living in the present moment more is the best thing you can do for yourself and your future. Don't live in fear, doubt, anxiety and darkness. It will swallow you whole.

Go out and do the things that lift you up, happy, be courageous, be powerful. Change your attitude, how you react, be proactive. 

Raise your vibration, your frequency, your energy levels. Skyrocket your passion. Follow your dreams. We won't get another chance at life.

We all so unique, there won't be another you. You are 1 in 7 billion in the world. You are the most important person in your life.


If you take anything away today it's to be more mindful in the time you have. Don't take things for granted. It's easy to forget.

When you experience these truly magical moments fully and embrace them they become lifelong memories. Savouring them for example: holding a newborn, the smell of fresh spring air, picking fruit.

Check-in with yourself and give yourself a moment. Taking no more than a minute to fully check and become aware of your body, aches and tensions. 

You will feel fuller and more present to carry on with your day.

Stay grounded, bring awareness to your feet 
If you are not yet inspired, what will it take for you to turn your life around? No one knows your more than you know yourself. 

Time is crucial. Use it. Be the best you. Live your life the way you want to. Time is gone in an instant.

You'll never get it back. 

You don't need me to tell you, that you will not want to live your life to old age with regrets.

Time goes by, and we wish our hours away when we are bored, not enjoying a task/job. Start making an impact and change your journey.

We always 'wish' for more time but the fact is we have the time we just don't 'make' the time. We put things off, we waste our time and energy on things that don't make us feel good.

Start living your life today, don't wait until tomorrow. Take action now.

Remember it's your choice and you're the only one who can make the decisions.

Have a great day beautiful.



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