Health and Kindness 

How important is your health?


We've realised we're in a pretty big mess right now. 

The world is in a self-love crisis.

Do you ever stop and think of how kind or unkind you are to your mind, body and soul?

Do you ever think about your health and if it is important to you and your values?

We often neglect looking after ourselves and fill our mind with worry, fear and a whole lot of anxiety. 

We convince ourselves of a whole other story that isn't true about ourselves.

Listen, we are now in a new headspace. The world is changing around us. Your health and happiness are incredibly important right now. 

Listen to your body. It lets us know when we need to slow down and adjust. It takes care of us in its own way.

Let me take you through 5 ways in which you can look after your health and happiness.

  1. Making plans, envision your goals
  2. Hydrate your self
  3. Eat balanced/nutritious meals
  4. Move your body
  5. Self-care routine
Making Plans and Envision your goals

It is never too late in the year to be reflecting on what you want in your life. Goals and plans change all the time, nothing ever goes as planned.

Make time to write away in your journal or planner or even just your notebook.

Making time to write down your ambitions and crazy plans is a healthy thing to do. By keeping them in your mind you keep them locked away. Buried never to be looked at again. At least not for a while.

You keep your mind healthy and sane by letting your thoughts out on paper. It's therapeutic and helps you gain clarity.

It helps you to justify a plan on achieving your goals and plans. It allows you to stay on track and create a tracker on your timed goals.

You are giving yourself accountability, to stay sharp and focused.

You give yourself a reason to tick. To get up in the mornings.

Taking the time to write down your feelings and emotions, your actionable steps and processes fill you with joy and excitement and motivation.

It gives you purpose.

Writing is a good way to get things down, it's' much more effective than simply saying out loud. Although saying what you are thankful for and your affirmations out loud are very beneficial.

Hydrate yourself

When you take care of your body, your body will take care of you. 

Staying hydrated and drinking enough water will allow your body to correctly function. It what helps you to stay alert and well.

Drinking water and staying hydrated allows you to cleanse your body. Flush out all the toxic waste out of your body. 

It allows your body to work. You are doing your body a favour. Staying healthy and being kind to your body. 

You are fuelling your body and showing love and compassion to your body. 

Hydration increases your energy throughout your day and your brain function. We all want to have more energy and feel better in ourselves, right?

Maximise your physical performance and take control of your life. 


Look after it. Treat your body well. You deserve to be here right now.

Eat balanced/nutritious meals

A lot of how we feel about ourselves comes from the food we eat. 

We are made to feel that eating comfort food is wrong and makes us feel sad and crappy about ourselves. 

But we shouldn't feel this way at all. So what we eat a whole pizza or a whole easter egg. This doesn't mess up our whole plan. 

We have 365 days in a year a few bad days are not going to affect our progress.

A lot of people are uneducated when it comes to food.

You think you need to starve yourself to lose weight. This is not the case. I'm no nutritionist but it's 100% true. 

It takes a lot of work but you can eat healthy and balanced and love food. You don't need to hate it or hate yourself.

Loving your body and the food you put into it is the first step to a greater life, a happy joyful life.

You should be proud of yourself for how far you have come in your life and how far you are going to go. 

I thoroughly recommended educating yourself on nutrition and what it means for a balanced diet. It does not mean you have to 'diet' to be healthy.

Move your body

Looking after your body is the most beneficial thing you can do for yourself.

Move your body. 

Go for walks, do a workout routine, do some stretches. 

Being active is good for the soul so why not strengthen it.

Feeling good feels good.

Run, walk, cycle, swim. Pick up a sport, do what you love to do and embrace it. Enjoy it. Live it.

Becoming happier stems from movement. Release those endorphins. 

When you move your body you are growing as a person. 

Your thoughts are clearer. You are able to think. 

It's so beneficial. 

Self-care routine 

Self-love and self-care is the best medicine. When your treat your body with respect it respects you in return. 

Our bodies work so hard to keeps us alive. From our heart beating to our brain which allows us to do things such as walking, being able to see. 

Sometimes we have down days and that is okay. We just need to love ourselves and pick ourselves up. 

Go for a long soak in the bath. 

Use some face masks, moisturiser, some really expensive makeup.

Maybe you sit in silence or maybe your more active and go for a run. 

Whatever your form of self-care and self-love is, don't forget about it. 

You deserve this time for yourself. You deserve to look after your body and feel good. 

When you neglect any part of these points your health and happiness suffers.

Don't allow this to happen.

If it does happen, it's not the end of the world. You know what to do. Pick yourself back up and get back on track. 

The more you do this the more your bounce-back rate quickens.

The more you become your best, most confident healthy and happier, kinder you.

Be kind to your self, today, tomorrow and every day after.

Have a great day!



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