9 Tips to MANIFEST Anything In To Your Life

in , by Tracey Patient, June 15, 2021

Manifest your Future


Hello beautiful people,

You're here because you want to achieve more in your life, right? You've got big dreams. You've got your whole future ahead of you. You've got goals, ambitions, motivation and drive. You may be in a part of your life right now where your thriving, you're on track, you're good to go, or you may be stuck, trapped, feeling low to the point of regret. Whatever situation you are in I want you to know it's perfectly fine to feel the way you do. You want more in life. You want to feel good. Let your dreams unfold.

I have a passion for empowering other people, making people happy and I'm an absolute great listener! Today I want to dive deeper into manifesting good things into your life. You may have heard me talk about this before but it is honestly such a great tool to incorporate into your daily life. You'll feel much happier, you'll be attracting positive energy and you will give your absolute best to others.

What is manifestation?

So you may be wondering why Manifesting/law of attraction is so great. You may have tried to do it before but it's not worked out and or you don't believe in it. I would love to start off and say that it's literally so simple in the fact it is a belief. If you believe it's not going to work then you've failed before you have even started. Point blank. One of my favourite quotes is 'By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail'. 

Manifesting is making your dreams and ambitions a reality. Believing in making it happen and taking the necessary actions you need to become the person or have the things that your future self has. It's all about becoming the person you need to be to have these things. Being your best and ultimate unlimited self. The more you're this person the more you bring this to life.

To help you understand this process a bit more I'm gonna run through a few things to manifest your dream life below: 

#1. Visualise 

Visualising your dream life when you wake up and or when you go to bed you are programming your mind to really feel and think about what you want. Programming your mindset, your thought patterns into a really transformative state. The more you do this the more you draw these things into your life, the more you have the get-up and go to get your desires. When you visualise it, you imagine the steps you need to take and then perform that action. You have something to work towards.

#2. Replace limiting beliefs with positive affirmations

As we get older we form limiting beliefs. We sabotage ourselves and our dreams because we are no longer living within the magic we did as a child. Our peers, the people we look up to as we grow subconsciously mash our brains with phrases like 'money doesn't grow on trees, 'you need to get a job to earn money, ' you need a degree to get anywhere in life' etc the list goes on. These beliefs are forced on to us and therefore starts a circle of life (Lion king reference I know ;-) but it's true) When you replace these negative thoughts with positive and uplifting self-talk we believe we are capable of achieving and you are worthy and you can push yourself to be your best self. 

#3. Have faith in the process

You need to believe in the process and stay with it, if you do have any self-doubt it is not going to work. Try and clear your mind or think about something else, or even coach/remind ourselves you are capable of achieving and having these things. You are your biggest supporter remember that. Self-doubt kills our dreams, we stay comfortable for too long. We need to raise our vibrational energy and be in tune with our future selves. When you believe in yourself and the process you genuinely manifest more quickly into your life. This isn't to say focus on your goals all of the time but this would indeed make it a long process and you in turn will be out of alignment and be pushing your goals further away. Know your areas of where you want to go and take action on it but do not solely focus on that one thing, allow it to come to you when you have put in the work to do so.

#4. Matching the frequency of the reality you want

When you match the frequency of the reality you want your reality simultaneously becomes what you make it. In other words, you become and create your dream life. What you put in you will get out etc. There are many ways to increase your vibrational energy such as appreciating something beautiful that you find for example the flowers in your garden, or being curious and conscious with your thoughts and feelings and even the food you eat. Being grateful and staying in the moment, stay hydrated, meditate and even practising acts of kindness can bump up your energy.

#5. Focus on enjoying the journey

When you focus too much on the end result you lose sight of the goal. Our minds get so caught up in what we need the end to look like that we get demotivated and disheartened when we aren't seeing the results we want. As cliche, as it sounds the journey, is the most important part, sit back and reflect on this for a second. When you enjoy the journey and acknowledged your baby steps, however small and be in the moment with your progress you'll feel a lot happier but also you will fall in love with the process and then meet the end goal quicker.

#6. Consistency is key

Being consistent and taking action every day no matter how small the action is will bring you closer to manifesting your goals/game plan. When you don't do this consistently again you'll be out of alignment and therefore not on the path towards your desired result. Building your discipline muscle is key here because most of us lack motivation, it isn't there for you all the time to fall back on so you need to implement some good habits to stay in control and consistent with your planned goals. Therefore in turn they will gravitate towards you quicker. 6 months of consistency and hard work can put you 5 years ahead, think about it and let that sink in. 

#7. Release control

You can't control your future to a T, what will be, will be. The universe may have something else in store for you, and things don't always work out in the way we planned. You may be able to reach your goal a different way from the one you once thought. But remember you are exactly where you need to be. When you release control of your journey and goals you will be less stressed and happier that you'll be more grateful when you do manifest what you want in your life. You can't control what happens but you can control how you react to it.

#8. You are what you think

You are what you think is very similar to the phrase you are what you eat. This ties into negative self-talk, I say this because when you think negatively about yourself you are telling your mind/brain that you are e.g. Ugly, fat, not good enough. Your mind can't tell the difference between what's real or not so the more you tell yourself these things the more you will believe it is true when in fact it could be the very opposite. When you think positively and start loving yourself, you'll start talking to yourself in a positive light and thus you'll see a completely different you even though you may appear the same as you ever were. Crazy huh? 

#9. Find and create your identity 

Build on the person you want to be. Write it all down and think about who you want to be, who you need to become, what actions must you take to become this person, what habits do you need to incorporate. Thinking and writing this out and reading it daily will sharpen your mind and train your brain to focus on what you want. When you have a plan of how to get there everything else falls into place. Everything you thought was hard is 10 x easier. When it's broken down into bits your mind can handle it. It can be daunting when it seems like a huge task. Can you even think of a task like this before in your life? I'm sure you can, and it's as simple as that. Having a greater perspective on your future self and the clarity on the steps to get there will bring you joy and give you a head start on manifesting these things that you want.

It's all good and well offering this advice but have you actually manifested anything yourself I hear you all cry....

I've manifested a few things into my life whether that be, money, a friendship, a promotion, good news, it can literally be the simplest of things.

If it's meant to be it usually will. I've spoken to many people before about something as simple as a parking space. Ok, this isn't proper manifestation but if I wasn't able to find a space directly outside it just wasn't meant to be. I can still go to the place I need but it will be a different route. Just like if you were stuck in traffic and got angry for this reason, but you later find out that 20 cars down the line there was a car crash I bet you'd be grateful you weren't in it and being diverted the other route wouldn't be as bad right? The perspective would have changed. 

Manifesting Do's and Don'ts


  • Show gratefulness - just showing how grateful you are for the universe even when you feel like you don't have much to be grateful for
  • Be kind to yourself and others - the more you project kindness/good energy out in the world the more you'll receive
  • Give - When you give out more in the world than you take you'll be rewarded
  • Be Patient - manifestation takes time and consistency, it will not happen overnight
  • Believe - Believing in the power of the universe, what will happen will be. Things don't always work out the way you want to and this could be in your favour. There could be something better out there for you.

  • Attach yourself and overthink it - the more you worry or try to interject the process the longer it will take and you won't get there. You won't be aligned with the energy you need.
  • Avoid negative talk - avoid saying things like 'I can't, 'I never, 'I won't'. These will damage the manifesting process and you'll fall into a circle of feeling trapped/ comfortable.
  • Pessimist - The universe and your brain cannot tell the difference between what you want and what you don't want. It's simple, focus on what you want. 
  • Not take action - In order for manifestation to work you must take action on the things you want, staying still gets you nowhere
  • Be emotionless - manifestation works best when you connect with your emotions and your desires. Really feel and visualise what you want and how you would feel once your goal is achieved.
 I hope this has helped and inspired you today to really believe in yourself and work towards bettering yourself, not only for your wellbeing but for your future life too. Good luck in creating the next chapter of your life.

Have a lovely day!

Trace xxx
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