Raw and Real Talk
Then in August 2020 I lost complete motivation and started eating like crap. Now, it would be easy for me to blame the fact that I went back to work in the office as the main culprit because indeed it did help massively for me to balance my food intake at home. It was so much easier for me to cook my lunch and dinner when I finished and prepare for my day right. But I am not going to pinpoint this because at the end of the day it's my own responsibility that I'm not eating good wholesome food. It's my decision and choice to choose not to exercise and continue my walk, to not make time for things like preparing my lunch and dinner. It's 100% all me. What I can do instead is make the decision to change my outcome, my circumstances and to take action and create a new identity for myself, a person who loves and enjoys working out, who feels good when they eat well, to meditates daily to prepare my mind and improve my lifestyle. It's all about balance and choice.
'I'll be honest with you........'
I've felt worse in my life about my weight but as much as I preach mindfulness and health and wellbeing there are times when you still get these feelings, you'll need to constantly put in the work as without consistency you don't get results. It feels as if since last August everything just decreased, my motivation, my enthusiasm, my whole mindset. But I'm taking this time to pull myself back together and creating the life I want to live. Why should I feel sorry for myself, it gets me absolutely nowhere. I'm also currently reading a good book which is called 'The 30-day productivity plan' by Damon Zahariades. It's a very interesting read and the points are very obvious but are such a game changer and motivator. It puts things into perspective and helps you to get back into the swing of things for sure. Look we all have at some point lost ourselves the main thing is to bounce back. Your bounce-back rate is what counts and look it was last August when I fell off track and it's taken me a while to get to where I have but I have achieved so much in that amount of time even if it isn't health and fitness related, it really doesn't matter too much. I'm taking this time to recharge and to plan and make a change.
It's important that we are all honest with ourselves because this is the biggest game-changer. Consistency equals results. Hard work and determination are key. We can all get where we want to be in time. It's not going to happen overnight. COVID has been such a crap time for all and it really has hit us all hard but we all need to grab the reins and get back to our best selves, become the best version of ourselves and take as much control as we can. There are certain things we can't control but there are things we can such as the food we eat, the exercise we do, looking after our health and wellbeing and mindset. I say it time and time again, your own thoughts are your biggest power. Journal it all down pen and paper and just write anything that comes to mind, areas of improvement, make an action plan. Get it all down and reflect. This will also help your headspace and makes you more relaxed and stress-free. If you're feeling the same way as I, just remember you got this and we can push through this hard hour together. Feel free to message me if you need someone to help motivate and keep you consistent. It helps when you have an accountability partner, it makes it more enjoyable and sustainable when you have the other person to back you up when you're having those hard days.
Everyone is different so what might work for one might not work for another. It's really important to realise that and remind yourself we shouldn't compare ourselves to others. The only person we should be comparing ourselves is to our past self and our future best self. Analyse the changes you want to make and make it happen.
Enjoy your Friday evening and weekend everyone and don't let stress and your weight define you.
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