Invest In Yourself

in , by Tracey Patient, November 21, 2021

                 Invest in yourself                             

Hey guys, so today I'm talking all about investing in yourself. This can be such a sensitive subject for most, as not everyone believes in themself and goes out and gets what they want.

Investing in yourself can be done in a number of ways for example, your studies, your business, your hobbies, your life (in general). It could be saving money for a particular event, something personal to you, or a material thing, it could be a course, it could even be a retreat getaway. Whatever it is, it's personal to you, everyone is different.

I think it's important for us all to invest in ourselves at some point in our lives and to follow our dreams and ambitions, but the thing is there are a lot more of us who don't than do. 

Taking the leap is hard, at first you are motivated and excited, and then sometimes things get difficult and things fall off track, making it seem further away. It's a dangerous feedback loop but it is all part of the process, if things were easy we would already have it and it would be...well, boring. 

We all slip up at some point, but the important thing to remember is to bounce right back and get on track. Sometimes life is crap and like I said above it shoves things in your way that you least expected but when you get back and try again things will change for sure.

One of the things I invested in myself this year is.......

If you follow my Instagram you'd know at the start of the year in Jan, I invested in a Self-improvement bundle that consisted of 111 courses. Now if you didn't, then I'll give you a little background to this story. I follow a lot of self-care and positivity pages on my Instagram and I unfollowed people that bring a lot of negativity to my page.

Now there was this bundle advertised through one of the people I followed and it looked too good to be true, and in most cases on the likes of social media, it probably is. Never would I recommend paying someone money on the likes of Facebook etc without a proper thorough check. 

I had a look into it, and it was a really great offer, I think if I remember correctly it was something like £55 for the 111 courses which was a hefty discount as the courses combined were said to be worth £10,000. Now someone of you reading this will think, Trace surely your fibbing, but indeed I am not, the proof is in the bundle. 

So the main point here is I invested in this bundle and to stay very true to myself I have not gone through all of them yet, but I am going through them slowly. There are a few categories within the bundle, for example: 


Purpose and vision

Reaching your goals/dreams

Money mindset/finance

Managing stress, self-awareness, confidence

Self-care, self-love

Healthy living and nutrition

Mindfulness and meditation

Yoga and fitness




The list goes on........  

And like I said above, sometimes we are sooooooo motivated to get going, but life gets in the way and it sometimes takes a back seat. Not to say that's a bad thing, some things happen to make you a better person for example someone walking out of your life, for someone else to walk in. It doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad thing, just means something better is on the horizon. 

I like to think that the courses I have done so far have helped and shaped me to be a better person. To improve not only in my personal life but also in my career too. Not going to lie though there's still a long way to go, I am so happy I took the plunge and invested in myself as if I didn't I'd most likely be in the same position I started the year with. Lost and confused and feeling sorry for myself for things not going my way.

Investing and the 5 people you surround yourself with

Whether you invest in courses like myself or invest in other things like I mentioned above, there is no limit when it comes to personal growth. 

Like it or not we are all growing as people, some more than others and some in ways we don't like but it's easy to tell with the people you surround yourself with. 

This is a big part, especially if you want to stay motivated. You have to ask yourself who are the 5 people you surround yourself with most.  

This is the key because you become the people you are with. Therefore if you surround yourself with negative people, who criticise your every move, and make you feel like your dreams are impossible, chances are those dreams of yours are going to be impossible because their beliefs systems and negative energy start rubbing off on you. 

If you surround yourself with people who are bubbly, bright, ambitious, motivated and positive people, then you too will be that person. 

This is something that's been really tough for me, I'm quite an introvert when it comes to socialising, I like to be kept by myself. Not that this is a bad thing, I love my own space for sure, I have definitely learnt a lot this year though in terms of the 5 people you surround yourself with. 

Sometimes it isn't easy to change the 5 people you do surround yourself with, it could be a family member or someone really hard to distance from. But even if you just reduce the time you spend together and keep it to a minimum you are bout to shine brighter and maybe just maybe your positive energy will rub off on them!

Key takeaway:

What I would like to mention to finish this post is that you are never too old to invest in yourself. 

To think years ago I didn't want to go to uni (I still don't) but when I saw other people going and it had been a couple of years I always thought, I've missed it now, no point in trying to go, it takes too long to graduate, I'm too old to go to uni. Now for someone in their early 20's to think wow I'm too old to go to uni is ridiculous. And to add to this point many people in their 40's, 50's even 60's can and do go to uni. 

It's all about finding yourself and being around people who support you and love you for you. Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do in your life. You will not regret it. 

Life is so incredibly short and it's time to start living it. Live your best life.

Start now. 

Love Trace 


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