6 Reason To Smile

in , by Tracey Patient, December 30, 2021

6 Reason To Smile

Hey, What a month December has been, time has flown by and I feel like I'm playing catch up. It's certainly been a busy one for sure, and no doubt there are others like me who have been feeling the pressure and have a foggy mindset. 

I hope you've all had a fabulous Christmas, I certainly have been so spoilt and had a magical Christmas. Although having said this, this is the time of year where it is both magical and wonderful but also sad and heartbreaking for others, especially myself as I have lost several people in my life and it does make happy times like these rather sad. This is why I want to lift everyone's spirits and give people reasons to smile over this period and make them feel happier and full of energy by reminding them of the simplest things that will make you smile. If you haven't already realised my passion is to help others so let's get into it. 

1. Looking at Old Photos

Okay okay, this time of year is full of joy and making memories right? Sometimes it can be sad but also one of the happiest times. Looking at old photos/old Christmas photos can do you the wonders of good by remembering the good old days and fantastic memories you all had. They can make you smile, laugh and transform your state. You were part of that special moment, how fricking good is that? It's a moment you will never get back for sure but it's a special time that you were a part of, you made that other person happy and content and feel special. (I get it I'm using the word 'special' too much but surely you get the idea). You are a wonderful human being, we have emotions, we get sad, but most importantly we pick ourselves up. In the words of Carly Ray Jepson - 'it's always a good time'. Make the most of the time you have, and live life with no regrets.

2. An Act of Kindness

From my perspective, the world needs more kindness. Many people preach about it, but in all honestly rarely action it. I've spoken to many people before about how people comment harsh things about people on social media and I really don't understand it. I couldn't possibly do that to someone, I literally don't have a bad bone in my body to do it. This makes me wonder what goes on in someone's mind to act that way.... Just smiling at someone, or saying thank you or a compliment or even if it is a gift you give someone can really make someone's day. It really doesn't cost much or anything at all to be kind and nice to someone and you really do brighten their day. They could be literally having such a bad day or tough time but your act of kindness changes everything.

3. Hearing Your Old Fav Song

Over the Christmas period so far I've been listening to old school tunes, and no matter what anyone says music always brings people joy. It makes us smile, dance and most importantly music is fun.  Music is our guilty pleasure. Many of us listen to all sorts of genres these days but the thing everyone can mostly agree on is it is loud and upbeat.  Music is our therapy, it's our go-to when we feel sad, it's our light and it soothes and helps everybody. Listening to some tunes over the holiday is certainly a must. Now if you've ever seen me in my car I can almost certainly assure you I will have music playing and singing to my heart's content. I don't really care for onlookers but hey that's me, but this reminds me of my ultimate favourite Christmas film ELF and the famous quote ' The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear'. So put those tunes on and sing loud and proud because it will certainly put you in a great, uplifting mood, and your smile and laughter will be infectious and bring joy to others too. 

4. Comfort Food

Christmas time means good food, am I right or am I right? Bring out the roast dinners, the sweet treats and indulge! If it's one thing I've learnt on my fitness journey it is that you shouldn't restrict yourself, if I want that cake, you know damn straight I'm going to eat that cake! This time especially the time between Christmas and a new year is the perfect time not to feel guilty about what you eat because the food is soo good. But I would like to make one thing clear, never ever feel guilty for eating food, it fuels your body and you may not be eating quote 'healthy' food but it shouldn't matter, why? because you're enjoying yourself and that's what Christmas and new year is about.

5.  Birds Chirping outside

I don't know about you but I love being in nature, going for walks or just sitting outside. It's a form of relaxation for so many. All year round we hear birds chirping, and for me, it reminds me of special childhood memories. Birds chirping their songs morning, noon and night it's the little things we are grateful for right, but being able to hear their sweet songs is something to smile about, you're living in this very moment, you only get one life and you have the opportunity to hear anything in the world. Okay I don't want to bore you too much but being grateful for these small things makes you a happier person, and happy people smile more.

6Flowers Blooming

Okay spring is around the corner and flowers will be blooming, it will be here in no time. As you get older the years just fly by how fast this year has flown, how is it even almost new year? Crazy! My point is flowers make almost everybody smile, (I say almost as there are very many people out there that don't like flowers, who knew!?). Flowers smell good, but also being given them as a gift, a thank you, or just because can make anyone gleam and shine so bright. I'm not a flower expert but all different flowers have different meanings and purposes, some are there for special occasions, some are there to apologise or a simple thank you etc and sometimes flowers speak to you rather than words.


 At the end of the day, it's the little things that make us smile, it's not the big materialistic things that can be bought or disappear it's the thoughtful gestures it's the people in your life, it's living and being present in the moment. It's something I will never ever forget because my Dad taught me that. Material things really don't matter at all. 

Have a great new year guys - all the best for 2022.


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