11 Ways to Tackle Stress

in , by Tracey Patient, January 30, 2022

 11 Ways to Tackle Stress

As I sit writing this post I'm left with heartache over already writing part of the post and having had it deleted during the past few weeks by accident, so hopefully, I can write something just as good if not better.

January is a crazy month for some, especially if where you work happens to be at its busiest time of the year. It can be easy to feel drained, exhausted, not feeling yourself at a time where you put so much stress on your body to get up earlier or work later so I wanted to put a few tips together to help us manage our stress levels during this time. Although important to note not all stress is bad for you, it can help us get things done and keep us safe. 

Now more than ever I'm finding I need a lot of self-care to maintain my happy-go-lucky energy each day. So I've tried to implement a few things to help keep my mind at ease but also some things I do enjoy doing because there's nothing worse than trying to do something you don't enjoy to help you.

#1. Use a Diffuser humidifier

Okay, to start off I want to talk about this amazing product one of my dearest friends bought me for Christmas. It is honestly a lifesaver! I think everyone who loves self-care and growth and to relax needs one ASAP! A diffuser humidifier is so good especially if you get the oils that you can put in them! Such a game-changer. So the one that I have is quite small but is a perfect size, you could probably take it anywhere if you travel a lot for business purposes but it's just as nice at home. I place it by my bedside and all you have to do is top it up with water to the max line, put some oil in it. I've tried the Lavender one which smells amazing but also the peppermint one which definitely helps send me to sleep! Put the lid on and switch it on and it pumps out mist, but also the one that I have also changes colour which is such a cool feature. This diffuser humidifier can be useful for a number of things for example setting the mood for yoga/stretching, even a workout or like I use it for the moment to Journal too, but also to send me to sleep. I would definitely recommend getting one they are the best thing I have discovered that really works for me. 

#2. Practice Yoga

If you know me, you know I like anything yoga and todo with stretching. It makes you feel so good and so lean, it really helps with digestion which I can imagine many people suffer from these days. Pretty sure I'm gluten intolerant but I am not going to stop eating good food! Okay so Yoga is such a good form of gentle exercise, I recently got yoga cards for Christmas also and they are so handy and can have different yoga sequences depending on how you feel. For example, Wake up flow, release stress flow etc you get the idea. Yoga is so simple to do as all you need is yourself and a yoga mat, no need for any other equipment. You can do it pretty much anywhere although I'd recommend it in your own home if you have enough space, although there are many classes available to you. You can even google some, or check youtube too, or just follow your own flow and even do yoga in the park in the summer! Yoga is good for the soul and if you really don't like exercising it is one of the best things you can do for your body, of course doing it will make you more flexible so there's always a win, right? With yoga, I try and do some in the morning before work or if I'm needing to wind down before bed, and listen you don't need to do anything crazy even just 5 minutes if that's all you have really makes a big difference.

#3. Breathe

Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed I often close my eyes and take a deep breath or two. It really does calm me down and makes me less swamped with anxiety and worry. I've learnt to do this through my meditation I do and I cannot tell you how many times it has saved me when I've been in certain situations. Taking deep breathes are so simple and easy to do and it's often dismissed as something that doesn't work but unless you try it who knows. If doing this isn't for you then you should definitely get into meditation and try other things out there. I personally try and meditate every morning before work, on my walks here and there and whenever I feel I need one. Each to their own but I wouldn't recommend the headspace app purely because it gets you to think of nothing and I'm one of those people that can never not think of anything my mind always wonders. I use the ones on Superhuman app (no this isn't an ad) I genuinely love all of the mediations on there and there are many different categories. They have seated, walking, mirror, chilling, cooking, cleaning, writing, running, legs up the wall, Stretching, pilates and errands meditations. Honestly, they are soo good and I have been using them for a long time even before they rebranded from Mimi Method. They make you feel so good, excited and powerful.

#4. Write it down

Writing in a journal/notebook is a great way to destress. Whether you write about how you want your day to go and be prepared for the day or how your day has been writing it down is so beneficial. It makes you feel lighter, it's a bit like venting to a friend but in written format. You can write about what happened, how you would handle the situation if it rose again make goals and game plans for the future, how you want things to go in the future. You don't even need to write a page, sometimes I write 1 paragraph and I'm done, sometimes half a page or more depending on how I feel and how much I need to get out. Writing sometimes comes naturally and sometimes it takes longer but there really is no time limit for it, it's your time so you can literally spend 5 minutes or 20 minutes or whatever you are comfortable with. 

#5. Find a mental escape

It's really important to find time for yourself whether that's once a day or week, you need this time for you. Finding your own mental escape can be difficult but you can do whatever you feel comfortable with. I quite like sitting in silence, or even walking in silence. Have you ever looked up at the sky at night and either see nothing or you see stars - that is the type of silence I mean. It's just there, and it's beautiful. Sitting/standing in silence is so powerful it allows your thoughts to float around/come and go. You don't need to hold on to it, you can just think about it, and let it go. It's a really great way to destress, and you can do it whenever but I usually do this in the morning before I get up, just lying in bed or at night as I get into bed. But again you can do it on your walk or whenever you feel comfortable. 

#6. Take a stroll

Walking helps so much when your day is full-on. There's something about being in nature and walking that makes you feel happier and much more satisfied with your day. Everyone enjoys a good walk, it beats being cooped inside all day and feeling groggy. It's also a great way to keep active and get your steps in. Getting fresh air during the day especially if you are in the office most of the day can do you the world of good but it also breaks up your day and walking is a stress releaser so if you are having a tough day then try and squeeze one in because you'll come back feeling refreshed. Also, don't stress too much about daily steps, most people want to achieve 10k steps a day and this is not always possible for some. I for one aim for 10k but in all honesty, have only been hitting up to 4/5k in the last few weeks. This past week I have upped this to 7k but still just going for a short walk keeps you active and makes you feel good. Although I have invested in a tread pad to get more steps in. I will explain for people who don't know but a tread pad is like a treadmill just without the handles so it's quite compact and handy to have at home and is nowhere near as expensive as a treadmill. I invested in this because especially with dark evenings it's hard for me to get steps in but also it does mean if I'm really feeling down or low and still want to get steps in I can do so at home without feeling guilty. Would definitely recommend getting one!

#7. Say No

It's important to know our own boundaries, period. We all need to know when to say no to things. I don't know about you but I find myself sometimes being a people pleaser and I say yes to a lot of things I don't particularly want to do but I do them/say yes to them because I'd feel bad if I didn't or said no. Sometimes it is perfectly okay to say no, or even negotiate or re-arrange things. We all need time to relax and chill and we don't always have/make the time. Make 2022 all about you and give yourself a break. January has literally flown by but now is the time to really focus on you and make yourself a priority. We are all guilty of letting it slip sometimes but we just need to bounce back and be more comfortable with saying no to people; we'll feel a lot better for it and less stress on our shoulders for sure.

#8. Take a break

We could all do with a break right? Like I've said above January can be quite a hectic month for some that's why it's important to either take the weekends and do something fun or even plan time away or book something for a few months time so that you have something to look for forward too. The past 2 years have flown by but have been incredibly difficult for most. Whether you plan a UK break or go abroad we all need something to look forward to so plan something great with your friends, partner or solo trip whatever it is have the most awesome time in your own paradise. Sometimes just a break away from everything in our life can do us soooo good. It rejuvenates you, brings you happiness and floods your heart with pure delight and joy for your life and future. 

#9. Call Someone

Sometimes when it all gets too much it's helpful to have someone you can vent to about all your problems. You'd be surprised but the person you talk to might even feel the same way or may have some helpful tips and advice for you if they've been through the same thing. Just hearing someone's voice or even just having someone listen to you and just cure your worries and help heal you back to your normal bubbly self. It can make all the difference especially when we shut ourselves away from it all. We all have those points where we just don't want to speak to anyone so when you do finally speak to a close friend or family member or even a stranger it can make you feel so relieved and relaxed because we've been holding it in for so long. When you're ready you're ready but it does make all the different 100%. 

#10. Eat healthily

Eating healthy gets thrown around quite a lot, but the truth is that you don't have to just eat salads and boring food to be healthy. It's all about balance, but a lot of people don't get this right. People think they have to not have that biscuit, sweets crips etc to lose weight or to 'be good', when in fact you could eat maccys every day if you wanted to and still be in good shape/lose weight. It's all about moderation and balance. I'm currently on a meal/workout plan but it's non-restrictive. I can eat basically all my favourite foods and more calories and still work out and reach my goals. It really is possible, it annoys me that there is all this misconception out there about eating healthy and drinking shakes etc. To be your best self there are no restrictions, you can feel good and eat better and be your best self and eat what you want.

#11. Do something creative

Doing something fun and creative creates so much joy and less stress in our lives. It looks different to everyone. You could draw, create a journal/scrapbook, create a digital game, take photographs, I don't know even bake, cook etc there are so many options out there but find a hobby or something you enjoy doing and just do it. You can even take a look at your bucket list and tick something off. It really is as simple as that. It's January 2022 I'm sure all of us at some point has written down something they want to do which is fun and creative - let's fulfil that dream or goal and just do it, book it, plan it. You've got this.

I would just like to say as I'm sure people who follow my posts often that I have been so up and down about getting this post ready, I've had meltdowns here and there from losing my original content and feeling less inspired because of it, but we all need to bounce back and get back to it and there is no time like the present.

We've got this, let's go chase our dreams and stay positive and release all that built-up tension and stress.

Lots of love 

Trace xxx

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